Smuggler's Return happens in Miami, around the year 2000, Miami Vice days. It tells the story of two former pot smugglers trying to fit into a...

Neil Crabtree
Neil Crabtree

Neil Crabtree has been writing fiction for years. His blog features reviews and interviews with South Florida writers both current and past. The goal for Neil has always been to help readers understand the artists he knows and likes, and to promote writers and their works. Many of his stories were developed in Friday Night Writers, a focus group created and managed by John Dufresne. John not only teaches Creative Writing in the Masters of Fine Arts Program at Florida International University, he is the author of books on the craft of writing and novels that touch the human heart. Neil is also an active member of the South Florida Writers Association.

The current novel, Smuggler's Return, is now available in eBook, hardcover and Paperback. Set in Miami around the year 2000, it tells the tale of two pot smugglers now finding their world has moved on without them. One reader describes the book as a Jimmy Buffett song brought to life.


Smuggler's Return

A Miami 2000 novel

Smuggler's Return happens in Miami, around the year 2000, Miami Vice days. It tells the story of two former pot smugglers trying to fit into a world that has changed since the dope-running days of 1980. Johnny Fallon has come to town, looking to get back a half million $cash from his former lawyer. Two rogue federal agents are handling his...

Believable Lies

Stories by Neil Crabtree

Believable Lies is a collection of stories written about people born and raised in the 20th century, and, like this writer's life, follow a progression from hippie days through working for a living then facing getting older and its situations. But like life, the characters find the absurd more likely than the rational, and humor in unlikely...

The Barricades of Heaven

A Rooster Novel

The Barricades of Heaven was the first Rooster novel. Written in first-person POV, it tells the story of Rooster, and Johnny Fallon's return to Miami rocking his world. This was written to be the beginning of a series of Rooster novels, Rooster being the good guy and handling the bad guys in dramatic fashion


Goodreads Giveaway for Smuggler's Return Kindle runs through September 28th

Get the Kindle eBook of Smuggler's Return via the Goodreads Giveaway.

Now through September 28th, 100 copies to be given out free!

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BookBub Website is terrific for writers If you write and have a constant

If you write and have a constant hassle with marketing, BookBub seems to be a great way to go. In addition to getting your eBook out to thousands of potential readers, they also offer a new fresh website you create using their design tools. You can also set up a new blog. I'm providing a link to my original here:

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You can reach Neil Crabtree at